What makes the Global Coworking Survey different from other surveys?

We are the longest-running coworking survey: The Global Coworking Survey is the only long-term survey in the industry. Many other surveys come and go and rarely share their findings with a wider audience. We, on the other hand, have been publishing our results since 2010, with key findings always available for free.

What's private stays private: Unlike many surveys, the Global Coworking Survey does not collect personal information such as names, email or postal addresses that can identify respondents. Questions that ask for identifying information are usually a sign that the data is being collected for marketing purposes, not scientific ones.

We cover the good and the bad: The Global Coworking Survey aims to describe reality in all its nuances. The results are not influenced by other predetermined expectations, as may be the case with surveys that are used as marketing tools for other products or services to make them shine, because the survey results themselves are our service. We also believe that anonymous submissions are more honest and reflect reality better than questionnaires that require identifying information. The latter are often skewed by society's expectations when people enter data that seems more socially acceptable.

How is the Global Coworking Survey financed?

Two sources finance the Global Coworking Survey.

A more detailed analysis takes significantly more time but serves a smaller audience. Sounds like a lousy correlation, right? So the people who buy the reports mainly support the survey analysis. Key findings are still published free of charge in shorter reports and articles.

As indicated in the published material, the main supporters provide basic funding that enables us to promote the survey. Their budget also allows for an essential analysis that is free of charge. We are very grateful to them! However, they are not involved in the design of the questionnaire or the analysis of the results.

How are the Global Coworking Surveys conducted?

The surveys are conducted online and distributed to coworking spaces around the world - with the help of our main supporters & official supporters.

How many respondents took part in the Global Coworking Surveys?

2023: 711 - 2019: 2667 - 2018: 1980 - 2017: 1876 - 2016: 1679 - 2014: 1270 - 2013: 1206 - 2012: 913 - 2010: 661

You’ll find more about the respondents in the additional information of each report.

There were no Global Coworking Surveys in 2015, 2020, 2021 and 2022. During the pandemic, we covered the industry by the Coworking Trends Survey, which focused solely on existing coworking spaces with fewer questions, and no questions for members, former or future coworking spaces. The first survey in late 2010 only covered topics for members and was taken by 661 participants.

Here, you can read more …

about the survey results.

about the reports.

about citation.

Or drop us a line, if you have any more questions: